I'm trying to implement the ray marching algorithm. There is a sphere, and the camera is looking at it.
Everything works, but there are streaks in the result, and I have no idea why. Jsfiddle: link
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// position and radius of the sphere
var cx = 100;
var cy = 100;
var cz = 100;
var cr = 50;
// direction of the marching
var dx = 0;
var dy = 0;
var dz = 1;
// maximum steps, and distance
var MaximumRaySteps = 50;
var MinimumDistance = .005;
// calculating the distance from the surface of the sphere
var DistanceEstimator = function(x, y, z) {
var a=x-cx;
var b=y-cy;
var c=z-cz;
var dist = Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c);
return dist-cr;
// calculate shading on a pixel (1=white, 0=black)
var trace = function(x, y) {
var totalDistance = 0.0;
var steps;
for (steps=0; steps < MaximumRaySteps; steps++) {
var distance = DistanceEstimator(x, y, totalDistance);
totalDistance += distance;
if (distance < MinimumDistance) {
return 1.0-steps/MaximumRaySteps;
// iterate over the pixels
(function() {
for(var y=0; y<200; y++) {
for(var x=0; x<200; x++) {
ctx.fillStyle = '#'+(Math.floor(trace(x,y)*0xFF)*0x010101).toString(16);
This removes your streaks, which helps clear up what's happening:
(function() {
for(var y=0; y<200; y++) {
for(var x=0; x<200; x++) {
ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';
ctx.fillStyle = '#'+(Math.floor(trace(x,y)*0xFF)*0x010101).toString(16);
Your color calculation is producing #0
. When you try to assign that value to ctx.fillStyle
, the assignment is failing (presumably due to validity checking in the canvas setter function for that property looking for a full RGB hex value, such as #000
or #000000
) and it's holding on to the existing value instead. That's why you're seeing the streaks - it's repeating the last 'valid' color assignment it got.