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Fiddler use Inspector Raw by default

Fiddler is awesome. But one thing that bugs me is that every time I double click a Session it defaults to opening the Inspectors tab and tries to guess what inspector to show. I want it to always show me the Raw inspector for both Request and Response.

Is there any way to make Fiddler always default to this?


  • I can accomplish what I am after by simply single clicking a session. The first time I need to select Raw for both Request and Response, then single clicking any future sessions leaves them selected. Good enough.

    As EricLaw points out the true solution to this is possible and very simple:

    You can set the "default active" request and response inspectors like this: Click Rules > Customize Rules, and scroll down to the OnBoot handler and uncomment the lines that set the default Inspectors. Then change the two instances of the text "HEADERS" to "RAW".