I am trying to capture the IHeartRadio URL for a specific site and just replay it.
The replaying part I have down in python that's no issue. the issue is actually capturing this URL!
I tried capturing it in WireShark, its all encrypted so I wasn't able to see any URLs. Mainly just TLS and encryption headers. I tried capturing the request in burpsuite and I captured a few but still wasn't able to replay anything I captured and wasn't sure what the identifier of a station is.
I next tried Fiddler and I captured a handful of requests when turning on a station.
Still no luck figuring out what to replay and identifier the station.
I read an old post and it said to try this: but this must be an old version of how IHRH use to be. Use a filter and type in tcp contains "ihrh"
I was able to figure this out. I was able to go to the network tab and in the JSON data I was able to pull out the URL streams that automatically start station when its entered into a browser