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How can I scrape the member count of Facebook groups into a Google Spreadsheet?

I'm trying to get the number of members of some Facebook groups. I tried to play with the Facebook Graph API but it does not work:

function facebook(url) {
  var jsondata = UrlFetchApp.fetch('');
var object = Utilities.jsonParse(jsondata.getContentText());
return object.shares;

Is it possible to do that? Thanks for your help

[UPDATE] Sometimes I don't have the ID of the group. I wrote this to solve the issue but it does not work...

function facebook(group) {
  if (isNaN(group) == true) {
    var jsondata1 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(''+group+'&type=group&access_token={my token}');
    var object1 = Utilities.jsonParse(jsondata1.getContentText());
    var id =;

    var jsondata2 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(''+id+'/members?summary=true&access_token={my token}');
    var object2 = Utilities.jsonParse(jsondata2.getContentText());
    return object2.summary.total_count;
  else {
    var jsondata = UrlFetchApp.fetch(''+group+'/members?summary=true&access_token={my token}');
    var object = Utilities.jsonParse(jsondata.getContentText());
    return object.summary.total_count;

Any idea?


  • Using Graph API{user-access_token}

    you will get response like this if it is closed group

     "data": [
    "summary": {
      "total_count": 4113

    and if it is public group you will also receive members detail in data section

    Good Luck

    NOTE: this will only return count <5000 member. If your group is near 5000 or more than 5000 it will return 4897, 4756, or some other "random" number, but will never return more than 5000.