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Verilog module outputs z's

I'm trying to make a parameter and module to AND two numbers together and return a result. However, I seem to be having troubles. My code is as follows:

module main;
   reg signed [3:0] x;
   reg signed [3:0] y;
   wire [3:0] out1;
   ander #(.L1(4)) andd(.in1(x), .in2(y), .out(out1));

   initial begin
       x = 4'b0111;
       y = 4'b1110;
       $display("%b", out1);
module ander        #(parameter L1 = 8)
                     (input [L1-1:0] in1,
                        input [L1-1:0] in2,
                        output wire [L1-1:0] out);
      assign out = in2&in1;

When I try to run this, the output is "zzzz." Am I doing something wrong?

When I change it to

$display("%b", x&y);

it seems to display just fine.

Do you have any recommendations?


  • If you want a deterministic output, add some delay before your $display:

       initial begin
           x = 4'b0111;
           y = 4'b1110;
           $display("%b", out1);

    This prints 0110.