I am using the paypal API for .NET and I am creating a payment via method: POST /v1/payments/payment.
My payment create request:
Payment = {
intent: 'sale',
payer = {
payment_method = 'paypal'
transactions = [
transaction= = {
amount = {
currency = 'GBP',
total = '10.00'
item_list = {
items = [
item = {
quantity = '1',
name = 'name',
price = '10.00',
currency = 'GBP',
sku = 'description'
shipping_address = {
recipient_name = 'name',
line1 = 'address',
city = 'city',
country_code = 'GB',
postal_code = 'G69 7LS'
redirect_urls = {
return_url = 'http://localhost/',
cancel_url = 'http://localhost/'
As you can see, I"m not creating a related transaction of the type "sale".
After the payment is created and executed, in some cases we need to return the client's money, but to make a refund we need a saleId. I tried to generate a saleId through the payment creation, but it still fails because the sale object seems to be ignored by the API.
After you make this call, PayPal returns a link to direct the customer to PayPal. After that, it returns to the return URL you specified. You then perform an execute payment call:
In that response will be the information you are looking for.
Response=>transactions=>related_resources=>sale=>id is the variable with the id.
In addition, Response=>transactions=>related_resources=>links will have a link for refunding the transaction.