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Oracle SQL: Distinct list of results based row not having column value

I'm trying to limit my rows based on column values, but having difficulty getting the syntax right.


create table acctprefs (acctid char(5),
                        prefcode char(3));

insert into acctprefs values ('10000', 'ABC');
insert into acctprefs values ('10000', 'DEF');
insert into acctprefs values ('10000', 'GHI');

insert into acctprefs values ('10001', 'ABC');
insert into acctprefs values ('10001', 'DEF');
insert into acctprefs values ('10001', 'GHI');
insert into acctprefs values ('10001', 'ZZZ');

I would like to return a distinct list of accounts that do not have the 'ZZZ' preference. In this case, I'm trying to get a result that would be simply:


I'm able to get the distinct accounts with 'ZZZ' with the query below, but I just need the opposite.

select *
  acctprefs ap
  ap.prefcode in 
    (select ap.prefcode from acctprefs ap group by ap.prefcode having(ap.prefcode = 'ZZZ'));


  • One approach is aggregation with a having clause:

    select ap.acctid
    from acctprefs ap
    group by ap.acctid
    having sum(case when ap.prefcode = 'ZZZ' then 1 else 0 end) = 0;

    The having clause counts the number of ZZZ for each account . . . and returns only those with zero.