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How to make a query in mongo (mongo template) that it returns a result without alterations?

I have only one document in my mongoDB. This is:

"_id": "32fqwefr",
"propertyName": "configShowableField",
"Applicant": [
"Employment": [
"Product": [
"Address": [

and returns that document.

I've made a query to get it

Map<String, List<String>> configShowable = new HasMapsh<>();
Query query = new Query();
Map<String. Object> config = getMongoTemplate.findOne(query, Map.class,"Collection");
if(v instanceof List){
    configShowable.put(k, (List<String>V));
return configShowable;

The problem is that the configShowable order is altered and I do not need that. I need that I return the same in which was inserted in the data base, in orther words, the Map than was created is in disoreder.


"_id": "32fqwefr",
"propertyName": "configShowableField",
"Address": [
"Applicant": [
"Product": [
"Employment": [

How can I prevent that disorder??


  • I suggest you use LinkedHaskMap , keeps the keys in the order they were inserted