I'm trying to make a game in unity (which uses c#) and what I am trying to accomplish is almost identical to what is done in the game Adventure capitalist. When you click on one of the companies, there is a "cooldown" timer. I put that in quotations because you don't get the money until after the timer has finished. I have looked at the other suggested questions and have managed to create the code below
public UnityEngine.UI.Text showCurrency;
public int money = 0;
public int moneyPerClick = 1;
public float timeToCollect = 3.0F;
private float timeStamp;
private bool buttonClicked;
void Start()
timeStamp = Time.time + timeToCollect;
void Update()
showCurrency.text = "Money: " + money;
if(buttonClicked && timeStamp > 0.0F)
timeStamp -= Time.time;
if (timeStamp == 0.0F)
money += moneyPerClick;
public bool Clicked()
buttonClicked = true;
return buttonClicked;
I currently get 1 error but that started happening after I added the showCurrency.text = "Money: " + money;
part. So that needs to be fixed.
The code, as far as I can tell, it not working. I don't have the cooldown effect working with the image fill (which will be a problem for another day) So I can't actually see if the timer is counting down, but I guess I could have a Debug.Log and have a system.out line to test that. The other thing that isn't working is I'm not getting the new money amount to show up on screen.
This code is a beginners best guess at how it would be layed out and it is where I'm at. If it looks like I am using the methods wrong, that's probably because I am. Any further information to at least point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Unity's Update() method gets called every frame. So if you have the game set to 30 FPS, then Update() will get called 30 times every second.
Firstly, timeStamp -= Time.time
subtracts the current time from your stored time every single frame (it gets to be a realllly small number really fast). As you have it, try changing your second if statement to an inequality check instead of checking for equality:
if (timeStamp <= 0.0F)
Alternatively, your Update() function could be simplified to something like this:
void Update()
showCurrency.text = "Money: " + getMoney();/*Make money into a property with a getter and setter, so that it will be easily changeable at run-time*/
if(buttonClicked && (Time.time >= timeStamp))
timeStamp = (Time.time + timeToCollect);
setMoney(getMoney() + moneyPerClick);
buttonClicked = false; /*Reset your button to be clickable again*/
/*You could also setup your setMoney() like setMoney(moneyPerClick), but that's not what you asked ;b*/