I was wondering which piece of code is going to run faster since I want to optimize as much as possible.
code A:
if(((a & 0x0FFF) + (b & 0x0FFF)) & 0x1000 != 0)
code B:
Register.setHCarryFlag(((a & 0x0FFF) + (b & 0x0FFF))& 0x1000 != 0);
The reason I ask is I suspect that code B doesn't branch, but I don't know for sure how each is converted to machine code.
Better yet, is there a way to see the machine code that is produced from each piece of code?
However you turn it, you'll be safer with the second approach because there is fundamentally no branching there, just pure calculation. A good JIT compiler may recognize that your branch in the first example can be eliminated, but why make it more difficult for JIT—and for a human reader.