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Use single or mulitple mysql users for SaaS PHP/mysql application with multi-tenant architecture

We are building a multiuser app that has one database per customer. All customer database structures are identical. Right now we are generating a new mysql user (per client) that only has privileges to work on its own database.

e.g. mysql user1 has rights on dbase1.* (database1.alltables), mysql user2 has rights on dbase2.*.

We are now noticing that this is already a pain to get dumped to another server as backup (we don't use replication but try to dump files once in a while but the information_schema dbase cannot be dropped & recreated from an sql file it seems.

Anyway, we are wondering if it would be better to just use 1 user that can access all client databases? This is more insecure right? Or can it be used in a rather secure way? It would be better to manage for sure.

What are your thoughts?


  • What you may want to do is, at the time of creation for the MySQL user, also store a record of that user's creation somewhere else (outside the DB), and then have a script to restore users and their permissions into the DB from that record you've created.