I can't figure out , where this errors.Invalid use of input signal <ck> as target
error is coming from?
module register
#(parameter Width = 8)
(output reg [Width-1:0] out,
input [Width-1:0] in,
input clear, load, clock);
always @(posedge clock)
if (~clear)
out<= 0;
else if (~load)
module adder
#(parameter Width = 8)
(input [Width-1:0] a,b,
output [Width-1:0] sum);
assign sum = a + b;
module compareLT // compares a < b
#(parameter Width = 8)
(input [Width-1:0] a, b,
output out);
assign out = a < b;
module compareLEQ // compares a <= b
#(parameter Width = 8)
(input [Width-1:0] a, b,
output out);
assign out = a <= b;
module roshanpoop
#(parameter Width = 8)
(input ck, reset,
input [Width-1:0] yln,
output [Width-1:0] y, x);
wire [Width-1:0] i, addiOut, addxOut;
wire yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad,iClear;
register #(Width) I (i, addiOut, iClear, iLoad, ck);
register #(Width) Y (y, yIn, yClear, yLoad, ck);
register #(Width) X (x, addxOut, xClear, xLoad, ck);
adder #(Width) addI (addiOut, 'b1, i),
addX (x, y, addxOut);
compareLT #(Width) cmpX (x, 'b0, xLT0);
compareLEQ #(Width) cmpI (i, 'd10, iLEQ10);
fsm ctl (xLT0,iLEQ10 ,yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad,iClear, ck, reset);
module fsm
(input LT,LEQ, ck, reset,
output reg yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad, iClear);
reg [2:0] cState, nState;
always @(posedge ck,negedge reset)
if (~reset)
cState <= 0;
cState <= nState;
always@(cState, LT,LEQ)
case (cState)
3'b00: begin //stateA
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 1; xClear = 0;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 0; nState = 3'b001;
3'b001: begin // state B
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 0; xClear = 1;
iLoad = 0; iClear = 1; nState = 3'b010;
3'b010: begin //state C
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 1; xClear = 1;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 1;
if(LEQ) nState = 3'b001;
if(~LEQ & LT) nState = 3'b011;
if (~LEQ & ~LT) nState = 3'b100;
3'b011: begin //state D
yLoad = 1; yClear = 0; xLoad = 1; xClear = 1;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 1; nState = 3'b101;
3'b100: begin //state E
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 1; xClear = 0;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 1; nState = 3'b101;
default: begin // required to satisfy combinational synthesis rules
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 1; xClear = 1;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 1;nState = 3'b000;
$display("Oops, unknown state: %b", cState);
line no:70
Invalid use of input signal ck as target,
Invalid use of input signal target as target.
In module roshanpoop above mentioned error are coming . what might be the problem ?
The error is caused by this instantiation:
fsm ctl (xLT0,iLEQ10 ,yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad,iClear, ck, reset);
of the module:
module fsm
(input LT,LEQ, ck, reset,
output reg yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad, iClear);
You are using positional instantiation, which is not recomended, because it makes the task of maintaining your module more difficult (think, for example, if you want to add signals to your module: if you add it in the middle of the module's definition, all remaining signals will be wrongly connected).
Here, the use of positional instantiation has caused signal ck
from the top module to be connected to iLoad
, which is an output signal from fsm
, so you are trying to put a value to a input only signal ck
The way to have it right is to use explicit instantiation, where each signal from the module is explicitly named and assigned to a signal from the top module, like this:
fsm ctl (.LT(xLT0),
So, regardless of where in the argument list you put signal clk
it will be always connected to the right signal inside the module.