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Modifying growing strategy using custom allocator

I am not a user of custom allocator, but I was wondering whether a custom allocator can be used to redefine the growing strategy. For example, in most implementations, a std::vector grows geometrically. Would it be possible to change this strategy for an arithmetic growth, like adding 10 elements everytime a reallocation is necessary. And if the answer if yes, then how to do that?


  • No. The reallocation strategy is defined by vector, not by the allocator it uses. The allocator is there only to provide the memory - it is up to the vector itself to tell it how much memory to provide.

    The standard mandates that push_back is amortized constant time. From [vector.modifiers]

    Complexity: The complexity is linear in the number of elements inserted plus the distance to the end of the vector.

    Since push_back must be O(1), the growth strategy of vector must not be arithmetic - otherwise we'd have linear-time insertion.

    To do what you want, you'd have to provide your own vector-like container and implement your own push_back() member function.