I'm creating a Quest System in my RPG (Role-Plating Game) and it can be get through an NPC (Non-Player Character). I've attach a script on my main character that can check whether or not you've get a quest from an NPC. Here's the code:
public class QuestTracker : MonoBehaviour
public QuestGiver questGiver;
public Button AcceptQuest;
public OpenQuestWindow questWindow;
public void acceptQuest()
questGiver.questAccepted = true;
Now I've attach a script on my NPC for them to give a quest to the player. Here's the code for the NPC:
public class QuestGiver : MonoBehaviour
public bool questAccepted = false;
When the player clicks on the NPC, a window will appear which will show the player what will be his/her quest objective. For now, I've created 2 NPC's and attach them both the QuestGiver script. Here's some screenshot:
On the accept button, I've used the acceptQuest() function on my QuestTracker which is attached to the player, but I can't set a specific value for QuestGiver because I have multiple copies of NPC not just one.
What I want is to set the QuestGiver on the player via runtime. I know it can be implemented by using OnMouseOver() function or Raycast. I know the logic, but I don't know how to implement it.
I think using static variable can solve your problem. Set player questGiver as static.
public class QuestTracker : MonoBehaviour
public static QuestGiver questGiver;
public Button AcceptQuest;
public OpenQuestWindow questWindow;
public void acceptQuest()
questGiver.questAccepted = true;
And then when an Npc make a quest, change players questGiver via Npc's script.
void OnMouseDown()
QuestTracker.questGiver = this;
Edit: By the way, you will not see questGiver variable in inspector when you change it as static. Test it with Debug.Log().