Look at the following statement. c_r
gets assigned an xor versioned of all c[k]
always_ff @ (posedge clk_i)
for(k = 0; k < 16; k++)
c_r[k*8 +: 8] <= c[k][0] ^ c[k][1] ^ c[k][2] ^ c[k][3] ^ c[k][4] ^ c[k][5] ^ c[k][6] ^ c[k][7] ^ c[k][8] ^ c[k][9] ^ c[k][10] ^ c[k][11] ^ c[k][12] ^ c[k][13] ^ c[k][14] ^ c[k][15];
The design works, however is there a possibility to refactor the statement for easier maintenance and readability?
Note: c
is defined as logic [7:0] c[16][16];
I would propose the following:
logic [16*8-1:0] c_r, next_c_r;
logic [7:0] c[16][16];
always_comb begin
next_c_r = '0;
foreach(c[idx0,idx1]) begin
next_c_r[idx0*8 +: 8] ^= c[idx0][idx1];
always_ff @ (posedge clk_i)
c_r <= next_c_r;
The foreach
will iterate through all selected indexes. See IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 12.7.3 The foreach-loop for full syntax usage and functionality. ^=
is a binary bitwise assignment operators, refer to IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 11.4 Operator descriptions. There are various code examples for foreach
and ^=
throughout the LRM.