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unity3d - can't show facebook profile image on the device ( simulator works perfect )

I am using Unity3d (c#) with facebook API. I try to show my profile image on the screen when I run it on the unity simulator everything works perfect and I got the image. but when I build a version and try it on a real device I get nothing.

I know that there is a issue with facebook CDN. the result of the request is 302 and WWW class can't handle with redirects so I did something like this (c# is a new language for me):

WWW www = new WWW(url);
    yield return www;

    if( www.responseHeaders.ContainsKey( "LOCATION" ) ){

        var redirection = www.responseHeaders[ "LOCATION" ];

        WWW wwwRe = new WWW( redirection );
        yield return wwwRe;
        callback( wwwRe.texture, userID );

        callback( www.texture, userID );

please help me I loose my mind, why all my personal data comes on the device except the image that works perfect in unity. what I did wrong?


The solution:

I tried many options to get profile image on the device nothing worked. finally I upgrade Facebook SDK from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 and Unity from 5.1 to 5.1.3 remove the app again from the device ( clear all the data ) and it works. it looks like Facebook's issue ( this is not the first time that they release SDK with bugs ).

I accept Umair's answer even that his code have some syntax issues, he really tried to help me and basically his answer is right.

I used this code to test my image: ( hope it will help for someone )

private void getMyProfileData(){

    // get profile image.
    FB.API( Util.GetPictureURL( "me", 128, 128 ), Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, callBackGetProfilePicture );

private void callBackGetProfilePicture( FBResult result ){

    // in case if there some error with the image.
    if( result.Error != null ){
        // call this method again

    string ImageUrl = Util.DeserializePictureURLString( result.Text );  

    StartCoroutine(LoadPictureCoroutune( ImageUrl ));

IEnumerator LoadPictureCoroutune(string url){

    var profilePicRequest = new WWW( (string)url );
    yield return profilePicRequest;

    if( profilePicRequest.error == null)
        Texture2D profilePic = profilePicRequest.texture;

            // my test image place
            Image profileImage = FBavatar.GetComponent<Image>(); 
            profileImage.sprite = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create( profilePic, new Rect(0,0,128,128), new Vector2( 0, 0 ));

        Debug.LogError("Error While downloading Picture: " + profilePicRequest.error);


    1. Use following Code to get Picture data from Facebook API:

      FB.API ("/v2.4/me/?fields=picture", Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, RequestResponce);
    2. In RequestResponce method:

      void RequestResponce(FBResult result)
          Debug.Log("requestResponce(): " + result.text);
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Error))
              var data = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(result.Text);
              string url = data["picture"]["data"]["url"];
    3. IEnumerator LoadPictureCoroutune(string url)
          var profilePicRequest = new WWW(url);
          Debug.Log("Going to Load Picture ");
          yield return profilePicRequest;
          if(profilePicRequest.error == null)
              Texture2D profilePic = profilePicRequest.texture;
              if(profilePic != null)
                  // Use ProfilePic to wherever you want to.
              Debug.LogError("Error While downloading Picture: " + profilePicRequest.error);