I need to remove leading zeros from a string field in an Access database that is destroyed and recreated every time it is used within a C# program. Most string libraries (even SQL ones) include a Trim function to remove leading or following whitespace. Unfortunately, Access does not seem to have a LTrim(string s, char[] trimChars) or something similar. To get around this, I concocted this monstrosity:
Replace(LTrim(Replace(ADDRNO,'0', ' ')),' ', '0')
But this resulted in an undefined function reference for Replace, even though it is obviously an Access function.
What I am looking for is a way to trim these zeros, either by getting the JET engine to let me use the Replace function or by some other method entirely.
EDIT: Fixed syntax of Replace function. Problem still persists.
I suggest
It will return the number portion without the leading zeros.