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What are the differences between Firefox and Chrome in Javascript?

There seem to be a number of differences (beyond performance of course) between both browsers when using Javascript. I am not even sure those are bugs or indeed different evaluations. In my applications (large, complex IDEs) I noticed here and there that Chrome is doing things different:

  • Array::indexOf and sorting appears different (hard to isolate for me)
  • scripts dealing with blur and focus seem to be different
  • a number of other minor issues with CSS
  • some other issues I can't remember of right now. The point of this post is to figure out what's different, nothing else :-)

I am also not really sure that the Chrome differences are really my faults and so I was wondering there things to know about Chrome vs FF when it comes to Javascript. My test-units do run all fine except in Chrome...

I did search a lot but I couldn't find any recommendation, guide or simple cheat list; possibly some folks here know better :-)

(ff/chrome version doesn't seem to matter)



  • This is a very large question as each are built on different frameworks and therefore support functions differently, especially once you start going back a few versions.

    But here is a simple page that lets you dig into the differences of each.,chrome+47 (change versions to whichever you want)

    enter image description here

    This is a small portion and you can already see there are too many differences for anyone here to list.