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How would I go about creating a Django + SvelteKit webapp?

I've already gotten my fair share of Bootstrap and Django but never tried out other frontend frameworks like Angular, React, etc. and finally wanted to try SvelteKit. So I'm really inexperienced and new with this sort of stuff.

Currently I've already set-up my Django project as well as a SvelteKit project by following the tutorial on their website.

My problem is that I'm confused about how to combine Django and SvelteKit now. Do I just run both servers simultaneously on different ports and get the data from Django JSON APIs into my Svelte frontend or is there some kind of approach to this? I thought that maybe there's a way to get my Django app to render the Svelte files from the Svelte server for me. I just feel really lost at the moment so if anyone could help me or has some resources I could read to get more familiar with the topic, since I didn't find a lot online, that'd be great!


  • First, understand the difference between Svelte and SvelteKit. SvelteKit is a front-end + server solution that is a layer above vanilla Svelte. SvelteKit adds things like routing and support for sever(less) functions.

    If you want to use Django for all your server-side processing, you should just use (vanilla) Svelte to write independent web components that you call from html served by Django. No need to use SvelteKit if you aren't using any of the extra framework features.

    If you want to just write your API's in Django and do everything else from SvelteKit, I would run both Django and SvelteKit servers from different subdomains and/or ports. Like and or and

    SvelteKit also provides a low-level handle() hook that can bypass SvelteKit, but usually JS/node.js is still used. I think it would be tricky to pass a request from SvelteKit to Django.