Exists XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NetJobChunk id="599">
<Frames>0.000 - 0.000</Frames>
<Slice>Entire image</Slice>
<StartDateText>27.07.2015 17:07:26</StartDateText>
<NetJobChunk id="599">
<Frames>1.000 - 1.000</Frames>
<Slice>Entire image</Slice>
<StartDateText>27.07.2015 17:07:26</StartDateText>
<NetJobChunk id="601">
<Frames>0.000 - 0.000</Frames>
<AttemptsText>1 (max)</AttemptsText>
<Slice>Entire image</Slice>
<ExtSplitting>Camera: 005</ExtSplitting>
<Value>1|1437999253|Rendering started [RENDERHOST202]|</Value>
<Value>4|1438010887|27.07.2015 20:28:07; Error rendering frame 0: An unexpected exception has occurred in the network renderer and it is terminating.|</Value>
<Value>4|1438010888|Chunk error: The renderer returned an error-code (0x3) [RENDERHOST202]|</Value>
<Value>1|1438010889|Rendering started [RENDERHOST202]|</Value>
<Value>3|1438017456|Chunk cancelled [RENDERHOST202]|</Value>
<Value>3|1438017456|Net Job cancelled by user|</Value>
It is required to receive the maximum value time (in ticks) of the last event of the tag "History":
Tag "History" can be empty:
char* ch = new char[xml.size()+1];
std::copy(xml.begin(), xml.end(), ch);
ch[xml.size()] = '\0';
xml_document<char> doc;
unsigned long LastEventTime = 0;
xml_node<> *root_node = doc.first_node("ServerData");
for (xml_node<> * chunk_node = root_node->first_node("NetJobChunk"); chunk_node; chunk_node = chunk_node->next_sibling())
// History
unsigned long result = ParseChunkLastEventTime(chunk_node);
if(result > LastEventTime)
LastEventTime = result;
unsigned long CRapidXmlParser::ParseChunkLastEventTime(xml_node<char>* chunk_node) {
unsigned long val = 0;
if(chunk_node == nullptr)
throw std::exception("ParseChunkLastEventTime: null ptr chunk_node");
xml_node<> * chunk_hist_node = chunk_node->first_node("History");
xml_node<> * last_value_node = chunk_hist_node->last_node("Value");// ERROR!!!
if(last_value_node) {
std::string last_event = last_value_node->value();
size_t time_begin = last_event.find_first_of('|');
if(time_begin != std::string::npos) {
size_t time_end = last_event.find_first_of('|', time_begin+1);
if(time_end != std::string::npos) {
val = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned long>(last_event.substr(time_begin+1, time_end-time_begin-1) );
return val;
When I'm trying to get the last child tag ("Value") of an empty tag "History" - I get an exception, instead of the expected null pointer. What is the problem?
Need to use first_node(), to check if the node has children.
unsigned long CRapidXmlParser::ParseChunkLastEventTime(xml_node<char>* chunk_node) {
unsigned long val = 0;
if(chunk_node == nullptr)
throw std::exception("ParseChunkLastEventTime: null ptr chunk_node");
xml_node<> * chunk_hist_node = chunk_node->first_node("History");
if(chunk_hist_node->first_node("Value")) {
xml_node<> * last_value_node = chunk_hist_node->last_node("Value");
if(last_value_node) {
std::string last_event = last_value_node->value();
size_t time_begin = last_event.find_first_of('|');
if(time_begin != std::string::npos) {
size_t time_end = last_event.find_first_of('|', time_begin+1);
if(time_end != std::string::npos) {
val = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned long>(last_event.substr(time_begin+1, time_end-time_begin-1) );
return val;