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Can Laravel-Forge work with a CI cloud service?

My team and I were setting everything up so that Forge was in charge of deployment exclusively, while a CI cloud service would run unit/integration tests on each push to develop or master (staging or production, respectively).

Given the fact that Forge will trigger a deployment on each push to master (or any other branch), where does the CI server takes place in this model? Can I get a quick explanation of the workflow (and if possible an example CI cloud that would work with it)


  • Next to the auto deploy trigger Forge provides you a deploy-hook-url that can be called to trigger the deployment script. Usually the ci cloud service provides a way to customize the test/deployment process with some sort of bash scripts (curl) or gives an option to call an url after a successful run.

    For example I used to use codeship for ci and they have an option in the settings called deployment where i could insert a custom script which calls the trigger url like curl -X GET

    1. deactivate the aug-deploy trigger
    2. customize the ci settings and call the forge-hook after successful run