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Is it possible to map multiple attributes using Jinja/Ansible?

I would like to build an output that shows the key and value of a variable.

The following works perfectly ...

# Format in Ansible

msg="{{ php_command_result.results | map(attribute='item') | join(', ') }}"

# Output
{'value': {'svn_tag': '20150703r1_6.36_homeland'}, 'key': 'ui'}, {'value': {'svn_tag': '20150702r1_6.36_homeland'}, 'key': 'api'}

What I would like is to show the key and svn_tag together as so:

I'm able to display either the key or svn_tag but getting them to go together doesn't work.

msg="{{ php_command_result.results | map(attribute='item.key') | join(', ') }}"

# Output
ui, api

However, this is what I want.

# Desired Output
api - 20150702r1_6.36_homeland
ui - 20150703r1_6.36_homeland


  • You can do it by using the following techniques:

    1. Create filter_plugin. Add filter_plugins = <path to the folder> in ansible.cfg. Then create a file say

      class FilterModule(object):
      ''' Custom filter '''
          def filters(self, my_arg):
             return <parse it here......>



    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: no
      connection: local
        - set_fact: 
              results: {'value': {'svn_tag': '20150703r1_6.36_homeland'}, 'key': 'ui'}
        - debug: msg="Hey look what I got '{{ php_command_result.results | a }}'"

    import json
    class FilterModule(object):
        def filters(self):
          return {'a': a}
    def a(a):
      r = '%s - %s' % (a['key'], a['value']['svn_tag'])
      return r
    1. Fast and easy approach: just use python/php/shell or what ever you prefer with shell module. Something like this:

      - name: Pars output
        shell: python -c "import json; json.loads('{{ php_command_result.results }}') ....