Search code examples

Execute a PHP method one time

I call first time this route where I put in session 0 :

public function userCaptcha(){
    $_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'] = 0;

After that I call another method which is executed 2 times by server :

 public function index()
    $this->session = $_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'];
    error_log(print_r($_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'],true), 3, "/tmp/error.log");
    $_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'] = 3;
    return $this->render('template/index.twig');

The view is :

{{ dump(session) }}

In the console for $_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'], I get : 0 3, In the view only 3. So the question is, It's possible to send in view value 0 and after that to modify the value of $_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'] in 3 ? I repeat that index() method is call 2 times by server.


  • You need this? If I understand you correctly, coz my english is not well

    private $flag = false;
    public function index()
        $this->session = $_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'];
        error_log(print_r($_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'],true), 3, "/tmp/error.log");
        if ($this->flag) {
            $_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'] = 3;
        } else {
            $this->flag = true;
        return $this->render('template/index.twig');

    Also you can pass an additional parameter (I think it will be better):

    public function index($changeSessionValue = false)
        $this->session = $_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'];
        error_log(print_r($_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'],true), 3, "/tmp/error.log");
        if ($changeSessionValue) {
            $_SESSION['isFacebookRegistration'] = 3;
        return $this->render('template/index.twig');