Search code examples

DAYOFWEEK inside while

I have been researching this for the past hour, but cannot seem to make it work. All I need to do is insert these values, but I need to skip insertions that contain are a Saturday or Sunday.

Begin Tran

Declare @VaccID int = 26
Declare @Clinic int = 36
Declare @Enroll int = 30
Declare @SignUp int = 0
Declare @BlnAct int = 1
Declare @BlnDis int = 1
Declare @DateStartTime datetime =  '2015-09-16 11:00:00.000'
Declare @DateEndTime datetime = '2015-09-16 14:00:00.000'
Declare @EndDate date = '2015-10-16'
Declare @Days int = DATEDIFF(dd, @DateStartTime, @EndDate) 

Select @DateStartTime, @DateEndTime, @Days

Declare @i int = 0
Declare @WeekDay varchar = ''

WHILE @i <= @Days

IF(@WeekDay = 'Monday' OR 
   @WeekDay = 'Tuesday' OR 
   @WeekDay = 'Wednesday' OR 
   @WeekDay = 'Thursday' OR 
   @WeekDay = 'Friday')


INSERT INTO dbo.tblSessions 

Values (@VaccID, 
        DATEADD(dd, @i, @DateStartTime), 
        DATEADD(dd, @i, @DateEndTime), 

SELECT @VaccID as intVaccID, 
       @Clinic as intLocationID, 
       DATEADD(dd, @i, @DateStartTime) as dtDateTimeStart, 
       DATEADD(dd, @i, @DateEndTime) as dtDateTimeStop, 
       @Enroll as intEnrollmentMax, 
       @SignUp as intSignedUp, 
       @BlnAct as blnActive, 
       @BlnDis as blnDisplay

SET @i = @i + 1
SET @WeekDay = DAYOFWEEK(dw, DATEADD(dd, @i, @DateStartTime))


Rollback Tran

Commit Tran

It was at least filling in every day of the week, but now seems to be stalling mid query. I know I'm missing something ridiculously small, but I just can't seem to find it. I guess this is my White Whale for the day.


  • Why don't you use GOTO keyword to skip SATURDAY & Sunday:

    Actually your query should be restructred in other way. But for the above scenario you can use this.

    WHILE @i< @days
    LABEL :
    SET @i = @i + 1
    SET @WeekDay = DAYOFWEEK(dw, DATEADD(dd, @i, @DateStartTime))
    IF(@WeekDay = 'SATURDAY' OR @WeekDay = 'SUNDAY')