I am getting this synchronizationLockException in facebook canvas app.
my issue is something similer to this. I have implemented facebook sdk also which is working properly but getting synchronizationLockException when trying to login into parse from this chunk of code.
IEnumerator OnLoggedIn()
Debug.Log("Logged in. ID: " + FB.UserId);
System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ParseUser> logInTask = ParseFacebookUtils.LogInAsync (FB.UserId, FB.AccessToken, FB.AccessTokenExpiresAt);
yield return null;
logInTask.ContinueWith (t => {
if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled) {
Debug.Log ("Parse Login failed");
Debug.Log ("t.Exception=" + t.Exception);
foreach (Exception e in logInTask.Exception.InnerExceptions) {
ParseException parseException = (ParseException)e;
Debug.Log ("Error message " + parseException.Message);
Debug.Log ("Error code: " + parseException.Code);
} else {
ParseUser userFB = t.Result;
FB.API("/me", HttpMethod.GET, FBAPICallback);
this code has been taken from source code
the async thread and main thread might be using the variable at the same time .
try this instead