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Classic Linker Mach error in C++

I don't know C++ very well and I'm teaching myself about ADT's and data structures. Unfortunately every time I need to compile the code I get the classic xcode error: mach link error. I tend to understand these errors when they're in objective-c (because it usually means that I'm missing a file). I made sure to add the file to my target to avoid this issue, but that didn't seem to work. Neither did the classic turn Xcode on and off trick.

Below is the error and code:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "ArrayBag<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > >::getIndexOf(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) const", referenced from:
      ArrayBag<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > >::remove(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) in main.o
  "ArrayBag<int>::getIndexOf(int const&) const", referenced from:
      ArrayBag<int>::remove(int const&) in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

#ifndef _ARRAY_BAG
#define _ARRAY_BAG
#include "BagInterface.h"
#include <vector>

template<class ItemType>
class ArrayBag : public BagInterface<ItemType>
    static const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 24; // the bag size a bit bigger to allow
                                            // adding bags.
    ItemType items[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];      // Array of bag items
    int itemCount;                         // Current count of bag items
    int maxItems;                          // Max capacity of the bag

    // Returns either the index of the element in the array items that
    // contains the given target or -1, if the array does not contain
    // the target.
    int getIndexOf(const ItemType& target) const;

    int getCurrentSize() const;
    bool isEmpty() const;
    bool add(const ItemType& newEntry);
    void clear();
    bool remove(const ItemType& anEntry);
    bool contains(const ItemType& target) const;
    int getFrequencyOf(const ItemType& anEntry) const;
    ArrayBag<string> merge(ArrayBag<string> a, ArrayBag<string> b);
    std::vector<ItemType> toVector() const;

#include "ArrayBag.h"
#include <cstddef>

template<class ItemType>
ArrayBag<ItemType>::ArrayBag(): itemCount(0), maxItems(DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
}  // end default constructor

template<class ItemType>
int ArrayBag<ItemType>::getCurrentSize() const
    return itemCount;
}  // end getCurrentSize

template<class ItemType>
bool ArrayBag<ItemType>::isEmpty() const
    return itemCount == 0;
}  // end isEmpty

template<class ItemType>
bool ArrayBag<ItemType>::add(const ItemType& newEntry)
    bool hasRoomToAdd = (itemCount < maxItems);
    if (hasRoomToAdd)
        items[itemCount] = newEntry;
    }  // end if

    return hasRoomToAdd;
}  // end add

template<class ItemType>
void ArrayBag<ItemType>::clear()
    itemCount = 0;
}  // end clear

template<class ItemType>
bool ArrayBag<ItemType>::remove(const ItemType& anEntry)
    int locatedIndex = getIndexOf(anEntry);
    bool canRemoveItem = !isEmpty() && (locatedIndex > -1);
    if (canRemoveItem)
    }//end if
    return canRemoveItem;
} //end remove

template<class ItemType>
bool ArrayBag<ItemType>::contains(const ItemType& anEntry) const
    bool found = false;
    int curIndex = 0; //current array index
    while(!found && (curIndex < itemCount))
        if(anEntry == items[curIndex])
            found = true;
        } //end if

        curIndex++; //increment to the next entry
    } //end while
    return found;

template<class ItemType>
int ArrayBag<ItemType>::getFrequencyOf(const ItemType& anEntry) const
    int frequency = 0;
    int curIndex = 0; //current index array
    while(curIndex < itemCount)
        if (items[curIndex] == anEntry)
        } //end if

        curIndex++; //incremenet to next entry
    } //end while
    return frequency;
} //end getFrequencyOf

template<class ItemType>
vector<ItemType> ArrayBag<ItemType>::toVector() const
    vector<ItemType> bagContents;
    for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)

    return bagContents;
}  // end toVector

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "ArrayBag.h"
#include "ArrayBag.cpp"

using namespace std;

void displayBag(ArrayBag<string>& bag)
    cout << "The bag contains " << bag.getCurrentSize()
    << " items:" << endl;
    vector<string> bagItems = bag.toVector();
    int numberOfEntries = (int)bagItems.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++)
        cout << bagItems[i] << " ";
    }  // end for
    cout << endl << endl;
}  // end displayBag

void displayBag(ArrayBag<int>& bag)
    cout << "The bag contains " << bag.getCurrentSize()
    << " items:" << endl;
    vector<int> bagItems = bag.toVector();
    int numberOfEntries = (int)bagItems.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++)
        cout << bagItems[i] << " ";
    }  // end for
    cout << endl << endl;
}  // end displayBag

int sumOfBag(ArrayBag<int>& aBag)
    int sum=0;
    vector<int> aBagvector = aBag.toVector();
    int numberOfEntries = (int) aBagvector.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++)
        sum += aBagvector[i];
    //cout << "The sum of the bag is " << sum << endl;
    return sum;

void bagTester(ArrayBag<string>& bag)
    cout << "isEmpty: returns " << bag.isEmpty()
    << "; should be 1 (true)" << endl;

    string items[] = {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "one"};
    cout << "Add 6 items to the bag: " << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    }  // end for


    cout << "isEmpty: returns " << bag.isEmpty()
    << "; should be 0 (false)" << endl;

    cout << "getCurrentSize: returns " << bag.getCurrentSize()
    << "; should be 6" << endl;

    cout << "Try to add another entry: add(\"extra\") returns "
    << bag.add("extra") << endl;
} // end bagTester

int main()
    ArrayBag<string> bag;
    cout << "Testing the Array-Based Bag:" << endl;
    cout << "The initial bag is empty." << endl;
    ArrayBag<string> bag_of_strings1;
    string items[] = {"tom","dick","harry"};
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {bag_of_strings1.add(items[i]);}
    ArrayBag<string> bag_of_strings2;
    string new_items[] = {"now","is","the","time","for","all"};
    for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
    //ArrayBag<string> newbag=merge(bag_of_strings1,bag_of_strings2);


    ArrayBag<int> bag_of_ints;
    int array_of_ints[]={6,7,85,9,12,15};
    for (int i=0;i<6;i++){

    return 0;
} // end main


  • The linker is telling you there is no implementation for ArrayBag::getIndexOf. The implementation is also missing from your code dump. Try adding this:

    int ArrayBag<ItemType>::getIndexOf(const ItemType& target) const
        // TODO
        return 0;

    Unlike normal classes, template classes should be defined in a single header file without a corresponding .cpp file.