I'm new to using robot framework and I'm struggling to get my teardown to work. It currently looks like:
[Teardown] run keyword if any tests failed KeyFail
When I run the program with code like this, I get the error: Keyword 'Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed' can only be used in suite teardown.
I can change it so that I put it inside it's own test case, however I then get the error that: Test Case contains no keywords.
Please advise me as to what I'm doing wrong. It would be appreciated. Thanks.
(Some stuff)
log to console Error report being sent.
***Test Cases***
Requires successful generation of file
Teardown Case
[Teardown] run keyword if any tests failed KeyFail
Edit: And how to fix this problem. Thanks
It looks like you have defined it in the test case teardown instead of the test suite teardown. You can change it to use the Test teardown instead.
Edit: Here are two solutions:
1. Change your keyword to the TEST specific one, Run Keyword If Test Failed which applies to the last executed test, and can only be used in a test teardown.
2. The second is to use Suite Setups / teardowns. These apply to ALL test cases that you run. Like this:
Suite Setup Your Test Setup Keyword
Suite Teardown run keyword if any tests failed KeyFail
(Some stuff)
log to console Error report being sent.
***Test Cases***
Requires successful generation of file
Teardown Case
Stuff to do
# teardown is automatic, and does not need to be called.