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How to run headless REMOTE chrome using robot framework

I'm trying to run chrome headless with my robot framework tests suites. I managed to do it independtly with python using selenium as follows:

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
my_driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executer=my_remote_address, desired_capabilities=options.to_capabilities)

The following code is what I did in robot but didn't work:

${options}=  Evaluate  sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions()  sys, selenium.webdriver
${options.add_argument}=  Set Variable  add_argument=--headless
Create WebDriver  Chrome  chrome_options=${options}

Open Browser   chrome


  • To run headless you need to set the arguments and convert them to capabilities so that they can be used when using the Remote Driver option. This works for both the Open Browser as well as the Create Webdriver way of navigating to a URL.

    *** Settings ***
    Library    Selenium2Library
    Suite Teardown    Close All Browsers
    *** Test Cases ***
    Headless Chrome - Create Webdriver
        ${chrome_options} =     Evaluate    sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions()    sys, selenium.webdriver
        Call Method    ${chrome_options}   add_argument    headless
        Call Method    ${chrome_options}   add_argument    disable-gpu
        ${options}=     Call Method     ${chrome_options}    to_capabilities      
        Create Webdriver    Remote   command_executor=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub    desired_capabilities=${options}
        Go to
        Maximize Browser Window
        Capture Page Screenshot
    Headless Chrome - Open Browser
        ${chrome_options} =     Evaluate    sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions()    sys, selenium.webdriver
        Call Method    ${chrome_options}   add_argument    headless
        Call Method    ${chrome_options}   add_argument    disable-gpu
        ${options}=     Call Method     ${chrome_options}    to_capabilities     
        Open Browser    browser=chrome    remote_url=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub     desired_capabilities=${options}
        Maximize Browser Window
        Capture Page Screenshot