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Robot Framework Selenium - Edge starts, but doesn't open website

I have a rather specific problem I'm currently facing. I'm working in a virtual environment and I'm trying to run a test with Selenium in Edge. All that I am currently trying to do is to open Edge and go to

*** Settings ***
Library    SeleniumLibrary
Test Teardown     Close All Browsers
*** Test Cases ***
Open Google in Edge
    Set Log Level    debug
    Open Browser    Edge
    Set Log Level    info

As far as I am aware I'm not doing anything strange, but I keep on getting these errors:

[15452:15508:1202/] EDGE_IDENTITY: Get Default OS Account failed: Error: Primary Error: kImplicitSignInFailure, Secondary Error: kAccountProviderFetchError, Platform error: 0, Error string:
[15452:15508:1202/] Processing error occured: model EdgeUserTopicOnUrlProtobuf failed with CustomInputError, message: 
ReadTimeoutError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=50997): Read timed out. (read timeout=120)

The driver is found during the test execution, so that is not the problem.

I have tried the following things:

  1. I thought it would have to do with Edge in some way as it is managed by the organization, so I downloaded the latest version and made sure that the driver version matches the Edge version.
  2. I tried running it in Incognito window.
  3. I tried making an alias and then use the keyword Switch Browser.
  4. I tried just replacing the standard browser that is opened in Selenium to Edge instead of Firefox.
  5. I tried the Browserlibrary. That didn't work due to npm not properly being installed (while in fact the process of installation was correct).
  6. I tried the Create Webdriver keyword. That just didn't work as I could not properly use the keyword.
  7. Making a custom keyword to open Edge that can communicate with Selenium.


  • The error of EDGE_IDENTITY: Get Default OS Account failed can be ignored and it won't affect the automation.

    The real cause is ReadTimeoutError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=50997): Read timed out. (read timeout=120). It is a connection issue. Since you are managed by your organization, certain connection (most related to Python) could have been blocked. You may need to check the connection problem with your administrator.