I just started learning python and wanted to try coding a VERY basic stock game.
So far I am able to buy/sell stocks and repeat these orders through a loop but I want to get back to the first line, where I am asking whether I want to buy or sell stocks. I tried doing it with a loop but I didn't really succeed. Any ideas on how i can get back to this line:
order = input('Do you want to buy or sell?')
What I have so far:
# Ordering and selling Stocks.
depot = {'aapl': [20, 400.0]} # amount, volume
cash = 20*20
order_book = {} #Stock, Price, Amount, Ordertype, Volume --> Key = timestamp?
#start menu: Buying or selling?
order = input('Do you want to buy or sell? ')
backtooptions = 'n'
while backtooptions == 'n':
#buying stocks
if order == "Buy" or order == 'buy':
dstock = str(input('What stock do you want to buy? Enter ID!'))
#buying stock if stock is in depot
if dstock in depot:
dprice = float(input('What price?'))
damount = int(input('How many?'))
volume = dprice*damount
if cash >= volume:
order_book[dstock] = dstock, dprice, damount, 'Buy', volume
depot[dstock][0] += damount
depot[dstock][1] += volume
cash -= volume
print('You just bought',order_book[dstock][2],'stocks of',
order_book[dstock][0],'worth', order_book[dstock][4],'€', 'at a price of', order_book[dstock][1],'€.')
print (depot)
print (cash)
backtooptions = input('Do you want to go back to the menu?[y/n]')
print('You do not have enough money!')
backtooptions = input('Do you want to go back to the menu [y] or change your order[n]?')
#buying stocks if stock is not in depot
dprice = float(input('What price?'))
damount = int(input('How many?'))
volume = dprice*damount
if cash >= volume:
depot[dstock] = [damount, dprice, volume]
order_book[dstock] = [dstock, dprice, damount, 'Buy', volume]
cash -= volume
print('You just bought',order_book[dstock][2],'stocks of',order_book[dstock][0],'worth', order_book[dstock][4],'€', 'at a price of', order_book[dstock][1],'€.')
print (depot)
print (cash)
backtooptions = input('Do you want to go back to the menu?[y/n]')
print('You do not have enough money!')
backtooptions = input('Do you want to go back to the menu [y] or change your order[n]?')
#selling stocks
elif order == 'Sell' or order == 'sell':
dstock = str(input('What stock do you want to sell? Enter ID!'))
dprice = float(input('What price?'))
damount = int(input('How many?'))
#Do we have enough stocks?
if damount <= depot[dstock][0]:#
volume = damount*dprice
order_book[dstock] = [dstock, dprice, damount, 'Sold', volume]
depot[dstock][0] -= damount
depot[dstock][1] -= volume
cash += volume
print('You just sold',order_book[dstock][2],'stocks of',order_book[dstock][0],'worth', order_book[dstock][4],'€', 'at a price of', order_book[dstock][1],'€.')
print (depot)
print (cash)
backtooptions = input('Do you want to go back to the menu?[y/n]')
volume = dprice*damount
print('You do not have enough stocks to sell!')
backtooptions = input('Do you want to go back to the menu [y] or change your order[n]?')
backtooptions = input('Do you want to go back to the menu?[y/n]')
I am aware that a lot of my code is still very inefficient or stupid I am just trying to test what I've learnt so far and in this post I really only want to know about getting back to
order = input('Do you want to buy or sell?')
You need to include your main menu into a further loop.
while True:
order = input('Do you want to buy or sell? ')
while backtooptions == 'n':
*logic here*