After reading How to test equality of Swift enums with associated values, I implemented the following enum:
enum CardRank {
case Number(Int)
case Jack
case Queen
case King
case Ace
func ==(a: CardRank, b: CardRank) -> Bool {
switch (a, b) {
case (.Number(let a), .Number(let b)) where a == b: return true
case (.Jack, .Jack): return true
case (.Queen, .Queen): return true
case (.King, .King): return true
case (.Ace, .Ace): return true
default: return false
The following code works:
let card: CardRank = CardRank.Jack
if card == CardRank.Jack {
print("You played a jack!")
} else if card == CardRank.Number(2) {
print("A two cannot be played at this time.")
However, this doesn't compile:
let number = CardRank.Number(5)
if number == CardRank.Number {
print("You must play a face card!")
... and it gives the following error message:
Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'CardRank' and '(Int) -> CardRank'
I'm assuming this is because it's expecting a full type and CardRank.Number
does not specify an entire type, whereas CardRank.Number(2)
did. However, in this case, I want it to match any number; not just a specific one.
Obviously I can use a switch statement, but the whole point of implementing the ==
operator was to avoid this verbose solution:
switch number {
case .Number:
print("You must play a face card!")
Is there any way to compare an enum with associated values while ignoring its associated value?
Note: I realize that I could change the case in the ==
method to case (.Number, .Number): return true
, but, although it would return true correctly, my comparison would still look like its being compared to a specific number (number == CardRank.Number(2)
; where 2 is a dummy value) rather than any number (number == CardRank.Number
In Swift 2+ you can use the if-case
pattern match:
let number = CardRank.Number(5)
if case .Number = number {
// Is a number
} else {
// Something else
If you're looking to avoid verbosity, you might consider adding an isNumber
computed property to your enum that implements your switch statement.