I'm making a game, in which some enemies are spawned in the right side of the screen, and then moving towards the left side of the screen. To get a little variation, the enemies are randomly spawned a little bit differently on the y-axis.
the problem: So I'm aware, that the last added MovieClip gets displayed on top of the other MovieClips. But I need a method, so that no matter what time it was added, the MovieClip that is lower on the y-axis always gets displayed on top of MovieClips that are higher on the y-axis. The reason is that otherwise it messes with the illusion of horizont in the game, since the MovieClips higher on the y-axis is supposed to look as if they are further away, than MovieClips lower on the y-axis.
I hope I'm making sense. Thanks in advance!
You need to sort them all based off of the y
position, then set their index in the parent based off the sort order:
This function will take all the children of a container/parent, and sort them based off the y
function sortAllZ(container:DisplayObjectContainer):void {
//build an array of all the objects:
var list:Vector.<DisplayObject> = new Vector.<DisplayObject>();
var i:int = container.numChildren;
for(var i:int=0;i<list.length;i++){
function sortZ(a:DisplayObject, b:DisplayObject):Number {
return a.y - b.y;
Since you'll likely be running this code every frame (assuming the y position of your objects changes over time), it would be more efficient to keep an array/vector of all your objects you want sorted. (instead of recreating a new one everytime you want to sort). If that's the case, you can just do:
//where list is your vector/array, and container is the parent of items
function sortAll(){
//sort the vector/array using the custom sort method defined below
//now loop through that array and add the children in that order
for(var i:int=0;i<list.length;i++){
//if you are using an array and not a vector, take out the :DisplayObject type declarations
function sortZ(a:DisplayObject, b:DisplayObject):Number {
return a.y - b.y;