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Crystal Reports Running Total not counting correctly

My initial issue was that suppressed results were still being added up in my summary.

So I found the Running Total option and thought I was on a winner. However, now it does not seem to be adding all the amounts in the group and only the first result.

Running Total

I have played with it as much as I can, but either get the suppressed results included or only the first result.

This is how I have the Running Total set up:

Running Total Screen

I want to summarize the Amount. I am assuming the Evaluate will add the totals showing when the Deal No changes I am assuming the Running Total will reset when the Deal No changes

Thanks for any help.


  • Good to solve this issue by yourself. Ok, I try to explain the reason.

    Running total is magical field, the reason is if you some thing change in configuration, you either get the result or lost the result. So be care-full with your thoughts while assign fields/columns.

    In running total, there are three part as you can see in your image.

    1. What to summarize (start with 0)
    2. When to summarize (to accumulate with previous value)
    3. When to reset (means when to reset to 0 again generally we need for change group or particular primary-key column or other column value will change)

    Check this link for more understanding.

    Google book link