I'm very new to Arduino and I can't find any way to do the following. I have a typedef struct which fills up multiple values:
void loop() {
AccelerationReading accelData;
accelData.xAxis = accel.xAxis;
accelData.yAxis = accel.yAxis;
accelData.zAxis = accel.zAxis;
//Irrelevant code after this
After the struct is filled I memcpy
it in to the buffer:
uint8_t buffer[6];
memcpy((void*)buffer, (void*)&accelData, 6);
Now this works fine but I also need to read values from two analog ports and those two values also need to be added in the memcpy. The code that fills the two variables:
//New variables
int shortflexposition;
int longflexposition;
//Filling up the variables.
shortflexposition = analogRead(shortflexpin);
longflexposition = analogRead(longflexpin);
The accelData contains 6 bytes of raw values and now I want to add shortflexposition and longflexposition after these bytes. The values in the variables shortflexposition and longflexposition are always between 0 and 1023. How exactly should I add those other variables in the memcpy? I've tried for example:
uint8_t buffer[8];
memcpy((void*)buffer, (void*)&accelData + shortflexposition, 8);
But this seems to rather add values to eachother than adding them to the next bytes or something. So, how do I add new variables on the next byte positions with memcpy?
Thanks! Yenthe
Update: This is an attempt at the code from Lundin..
typedef union
struct s
AccelerationReading accelData;
uint16_t shortflexposition;
uint16_t longflexposition;
uint8_t raw_data [sizeof(struct s)];
} my_data;
void setup() {
// Bean Serial is at a fixed baud rate. Changing the value in Serial.begin() has no effect.
void loop() {
AccelerationReading accelData;
my_data data;
data.accelData.xAxis = accel.xAxis;
data.accelData.yAxis = accel.yAxis;
data.accelData.zAxis = accel.zAxis;
//Get flex readings
int shortflexposition;
int longflexposition;
//Read the position of the flex sensor (0 to 1023?)
data.shortflexposition = analogRead(shortflexpin);
data.longflexposition = analogRead(longflexpin);
my_data some_other_data = data;
uint8_t buffer[6];
memcpy((void*)buffer, (void*)&accelData, 6);
But gives the following errors:
GetReader.ino: In function 'void loop()':
GetReader.ino:54:8: error: 'union loop()::my_data' has no member named 'accelData'
GetReader.ino:55:8: error: 'union loop()::my_data' has no member named 'accelData'
GetReader.ino:56:8: error: 'union loop()::my_data' has no member named 'accelData'
GetReader.ino:63:8: error: 'union loop()::my_data' has no member named 'shortflexposition'
GetReader.ino:64:8: error: 'union loop()::my_data' has no member named 'longflexposition'
First of all, it doesn't make any sense to increase the buffer size with 2 bytes if you want to add two 16 bit numbers == 4 bytes. I would suggest you do something like this:
typedef union
struct s
AccelerationReading accelData;
uint16_t shortflexposition;
uint16_t longflexposition;
uint8_t raw_data [sizeof(struct s)];
} my_data;
// use whatever compile-time assert you have available to check for padding:
static_assert(sizeof(my_data) == sizeof(AccelerationReading) + 2*sizeof(uint16_t),
"Unwanted padding detected.");
my_data data;
data.accelData.xAxis = x;
data.accelData.yAxis = y;
data.accelData.ZAxis = z;
data.shortflexposition = something;
data.longflexposition = something;
my_data some_other_data = data; // equivalent of memcpy
If you need to access the data byte by byte, you simply use data.raw_data[i]
If you are using an old compiler, you will have to change the code to:
typedef union
struct s
AccelerationReading accelData;
uint16_t shortflexposition;
uint16_t longflexposition;
} my_compiler_is_old;
uint8_t raw_data [sizeof(struct s)];
} my_data;
data.my_compiler_is_old.accelData.xAxis = x;
data.my_compiler_is_old.accelData.yAxis = y;