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Using the Kinect from Qt Creator

I have a machine running with windows 8.1, the kinect 2.0 for windows (and its SDK), visual studio community, and Qt Creator installed. Right now I am trying to create a small app that pulls the joint data from the kinect and then outputs it in a text form on a GUI created in Qt Creator.

I have the microsoft examples for using the kinect in visual studio, but for creating and using GUI's I would prefer to use Qt Creator as it is what I use for all of my other projects.

My .pro file has the lines:

    ../../../../Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Kinect/v2.0_1409/inc/Kinect.h \


win32: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Kinect/v2.0_1409/Lib/x64 -lKinect20
INCLUDEPATH += -L$$PWD/../../../../Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Kinect/v2.0_1409/Lib/x64
DEPENDPATH += -L$$PWD/../../../../Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Kinect/v2.0_1409/Lib/x64

This gives me the error:

LNK1104: cannot open file 'Files/Microsoft.obj'

what else do I need to be including to get this to work?


  • you just need to make some changes in the .pro file.

    As the include path and the library files path contains spaces in it, Please use " " (double quotes) to skip/escape the spaces. The error you are getting would go with this.

    Also remove -L$$PWD/../../../../ from the path and remove -l from -lkinect20 and add kinect20.lib instead.

    Just look at my .pro file and make changes accordingly

    win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Kinect/v2.0_1409/Lib/x86/Kinect20.lib"

    else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Kinect/v2.0_1409/Lib/x86/Kinect20d.lib"

    else:unix: LIBS += "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Kinect/v2.0_1409/Lib/x86/lKinect20.lib"

    INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Kinect/v2.0_1409/inc"

    DEPENDPATH += "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Kinect/v2.0_1409/inc"

    And i'm running my code in the release mode. Good to go.