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Msgbox With If statement

I'm trying to get a box to pop up listing a number of values that could be blank.

MsgBox (res1 & vbNewLine & _
res2 & vbNewLine & _
res3 & vbNewLine & _
res4 & vbNewLine & _
res5 & vbNewLine & _
res6 & vbNewLine & _
res7 & vbNewLine & _
res8 & vbNewLine & _
res9 & vbNewLine & _
res10 & vbNewLine & _
res11 & vbNewLine & _
res12 & vbNewLine)

what I want to do is have is something like this:

if res1 <> "" then
    res1 & vbNewLine 
end if

Because what shows at the moment is load of blank lines:


  • You could declare a String, and construct the string to display the characters. Something like,

    Dim tmpRes As String
    If Len(res1) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res1 & vbCrLf 
    If Len(res2) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res2 & vbCrLf
    If Len(res3) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res3 & vbCrLf
    If Len(res4) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res4 & vbCrLf
    If Len(res5) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res5 & vbCrLf
    If Len(res6) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res6 & vbCrLf
    If Len(res7) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res7 & vbCrLf
    If Len(res8) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res8 & vbCrLf
    If Len(res9) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res9 & vbCrLf
    If Len(res10) > 0 Then _
        tmpRes = tmpRes & res10 & vbCrLf
    MsgBox tmpRes