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index function returning #Value in UDF

Public Function GetK12(X) As Integer
    K12_Values = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("K12").Range("B4:B6980")
    GetK12 = Application.Index(K12_Values, X)
End Function

Calling this from my worksheet returns a #VALUE error. I have validated the variables. An INSERT-MATCH works on this variable elsewhere. What am I doing wrong here? [this is a snippet I tested. NOT the complete function]

SOLVED: Thank you all. Yeah I had to fiddle with the variable types.


  • To debug this, call it from a Sub:

    Sub tester()
        Debug.Print GetK12(1)
    End Sub

    You'll likely get a Type Mismatch error, and your likely fix is multi-part:

    • Change As Integer to As Variant.
    • Specify the column number, since Index can return an array.

    Other recommendations:

    • Change ActiveWorkbook to ThisWorkbook.
    • Specify the type for X.
    • Declare your variables.
    • Add Application.Volatile to force recalculation of the UDF, e.g. when a cell in B4:B6980 is changed.
    Public Function GetK12(ByVal X As Long) As Variant
        Dim K12_Values As Variant    
        K12_Values = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("K12").Range("B4:B6980").Value
        GetK12 = Application.Index(K12_Values, X, 1)
    End Function