I've named a Range as ID and set its address as =Materiais!$B3
. it is fixed for column but for the row, it will depend on the ActivateCell
current position.
when I click on the G8 cell, for instance, the Name Manager identifies the correct cell value, as you can see on the image below. in this case, the letter e.
when I try to get this value via VBA code, it doesn't bring any value.
this is the VBA code that I'm using:
Sub ValorRange()
MsgBox Range("Materiais!ID").Value
End Sub
it was supposed to bring the letter e, as Name Manager does.
I think it was not happening on Excel 2010 but I cannot do this test now. I'm using Excel 365 version.
thanks in advance.
I'd appreciate your help.
GSerg, ws.Range("ID")
returns B1 cell value, as you can see below:
This new code should work. I added 'rngLimit' and VBA's Intersec method to check if 'rng' is contained in 'rngLimit'.
Sub ValorRange()
Dim ws As Worksheet ' Worksheet object
Dim rng As Range ' Range object
Dim rngLimit As Range ' Range object
Set ws = Sheets("Materiais") ' Sets ws to worsheet
Set rng = ws.Names("ID").RefersToRange ' Gets range referenced by named cell
Set rngLimit = ws.Range("B3:B100") ' Gets limited range
' If intersection between rng and B3:B100 exists, shows rng value
If Not Intersect(rng, rngLimit) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox rng.Value
' Set default value or throws an error
MsgBox "Error or default value"
End If
End Sub
In a more generic version, you can use 'ws', 'rng' and 'rngLimit' as parameters of 'ValorRange' function.