I've been trying to figure out the difference between these, and why ToEulerXYZ does not get the right rotation.
Using MathGeoLib:
x 0.80878228 float
y -0.58810818 float
z 0.00000000 float
x 0.58811820 float
y 0.80877501 float
z 0.00000000 float
x 0.00000000 float
y 0.00000000 float
z 1.0000000 float
Quat aQ = Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisX, DegToRad(30)) * Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisY, DegToRad(60)) * Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisZ, DegToRad(40));
float3 eulerAnglesA = aQ.ToEulerXYZ();
Quat bQ = Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisX, DegToRad(-150)) * Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisY, DegToRad(120)) * Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisZ, DegToRad(-140));
float3 eulerAnglesB = bQ.ToEulerXYZ();
Both to ToEulerXYZ get {x=58.675510 y=33.600880 z=38.327244 ...} (when converted to degrees).
The only difference I can see, is the quaternions are identical, but one is negative. The ToEulerXYZ is wrong though, as one should be the negative ({x=-58.675510 y=-33.600880 z=-38.327244 ...}) (bQ)
AQ is:
x 0.52576530 float
y 0.084034257 float
z 0.40772036 float
w 0.74180400 float
While bQ is:
x -0.52576530 float
y -0.084034257 float
z -0.40772036 float
w -0.74180400 float
Is this just an error with MathGeoLib, or some weird nuance, or maybe someone can explain to me what is going on logically.
There are additional scenarios that are not even negative
-0.71492511 y=-0.69920099 z=0.00000000
0.69920099 y=-0.71492511 z=0.00000000
x=0.00000000 y=0.00000000 z=1.0000000
Quat aQ = Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisX, DegToRad(0)) * Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisY, DegToRad(0)) * Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisZ, DegToRad(-90));
float3 eulerAnglesA = aQ.ToEulerXYZ();
Quat bQ = Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisX, DegToRad(-180)) * Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisY, DegToRad(180)) * Quat::RotateAxisAngle(axisZ, DegToRad(90));
float3 eulerAnglesB = bQ.ToEulerXYZ();
These both yield the same quaternion!
x 0.00000000 float
y 0.00000000 float
z -0.70710677 float
w 0.70710677 float
The quaternions -q and q are different; however, the rotations represented by the two quaternions are identical. This phenomenon is usually described by saying quaternions provide a double cover of the rotation group SO(3). The algebra to see this is very simple: given a vector represented by quaternion p, and a rotation represented represented by a quaternion q, the rotation is qpq^{-1}
. On the other hand, -qp(-q)^{-1} = -1qp(q)^{-1}(-1) = q(-1)p(-1)q^{-1} = qp(-1)^2q^{-1} = qpq^{-1}
, the same rotation. Quaternions normally don't commute, so pq != qp
for general quaternions, but scalars like -1 do commute with quaternions.
I believe ToEulerXYZ should be the same in both cases, which it appears to be.