I have used VHDL all my life and only been using Verilog for a short time, I have to create a logic in Verilog for a very large array and assign it to 1 or 0 depending on the condition of an input.
Here is my VHDL code
if (data_track == '1' ) then
my_array(MAX-1:MIN) <= (others=> '1');
my_array(MAX-1:MIN) <= (others=> '0');
end if;
MAX and MIN are parameters for the block, set during the synthesis depending on the type of system we are accessing.
Is there a way to do this in Verilog easily?
A mix of parameter with curly braces will help in resolving (the inner curly brace will act as replication operator)
Code eg:
parameter MAX = 16;
assign high_val = 1'b1;
assign low_val = 1'b0;
if ( data_track ==1'b1)
my_array[MAX-1:MIN] <= {MAX{high_val}};
my_array[MAX-1:MIN] <= {MAX{low_val}};
Here in the above code the if statement with curly brace will propogate MSB to LSB with 1 values resulting in all 1's in our case 16 then result will be a 16'b1111111111111111 and it is the vice versa for else condition