I'm working on a top-down game where the player can move up, down, left, or right. I've come across tilemaps but since using Unity, I'm seeing the idea of using Meshes. I don't quite understand how this works. Is it one mesh (two triangles) per tile? If I want to perform scrolling, is it a case of simply swapping out the UV values per vertex?
In theory, could I get an infinite landscape scrolling by creating one large mesh and simply swap out UV coordinates in realtime or am I misunderstanding the uses of Meshes and UV coordinates on the texture atlas?
if you want to scroll uv`s , you can do it by changing the texture offset in Update method , it can be used for background of a 2d game
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ScrollingUVs : MonoBehaviour
public int materialIndex = 0;
public Vector2 uvAnimationRate = new Vector2( 1.0f, 0.0f );
public string textureName = "_MainTex";
Vector2 uvOffset = Vector2.zero;
void LateUpdate()
uvOffset += ( uvAnimationRate * Time.deltaTime );
if( renderer.enabled )
renderer.materials[ materialIndex ].SetTextureOffset( textureName, uvOffset );
and you can use object scrolling when you want to move an object in plane and when it reaches one end it appears in its initial position like a loop
public class ScrollingObj : MonoBehaviour
float speed ;
float resetDistance;
float initialDistance;
boolean isVertical;
void Start()
void Update ()
float move = speed * Time.deltaTime;
if (isVertical) {
transform.Translate(Vector3.down * move, Space.World);
if (transform.position.y < resetDistance)
transform.position = Vector3(transform.position.x, initialDistance, transform.position.z);
transform.Translate(Vector3.left * move, Space.World);
if (transform.position.x < resetDistance)
transform.position = Vector3(initialDistance, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);