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Monogame XNA transform matrix for a single object?

I have read a few tutorials explaining transform matrices for XNA/Monogame. The problem is that these matrices are applied to


This means that all Draw code will be transformed. How do I apply a transformation matrix to a single drawable object? In my case I want to transform a scrolling background so that it automatically wraps.

SpriteBatch.Draw(.. this has no transform matrix parameter?);


  • If you want to use a specific spritebatch begin call for some drawing calls only, you can start a new one as needed.

    for example

    //Draw stuff with matrix
    //do the rest of the drawing

    this is commonly used to draw a bunch of objects with a "camera" matrix at appropraite position, scale and rotation, then another spritebatch.Begin is called to draw the flat, static UI on top, etc.