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Python: How to find coordinates of short sequences in a FASTA file?

I have a list of short sequences that I want to obtain its coordinate or in another word to get its bed file after compare with a fasta file which contains original sequences.

Fasta file:


Short sequence fasta file:


Is there any ways to obtain its coordinate? Bedtools can't help much.

Desired output:

PGH2  6 14


  • Using BioPyton

    from Bio import SeqIO
    for long_sequence_record in SeqIO.parse(open('long_sequences.fasta'), 'fasta'):
        long_sequence = str(long_sequence_record.seq)
        for short_sequence_record in SeqIO.parse(open('short_sequences.fasta'), 'fasta'):
            short_sequence = str(short_sequence_record.seq)
            if short_sequence in long_sequence:
                start = long_sequence.index(short_sequence) + 1
                stop = start + len(short_sequence) - 1
                print, start, stop