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Wijmo Flexgrid Decimal data getting round off

In my Wijmo FlexGrid, in one Column I have Decimal Value (32.786878). In the UI its getting round off.

I want to show Round off (32.79) value only in UI, but when I edit column value in UI, I want to display full value (32.786878)


  • You can set the format of the column as 'n2' and then, set the raw value as editor's value in the prepareCellForEdit event like this:

    grid.prepareCellForEdit.addHandler(function (s, e) {
          if (e.col == 3) {
              var unFormattedData = s.getCellData(e.row, e.col, false);
              s.activeEditor.value = unFormattedData;

    Here is the fiddle: