I tried to use FlexGrid of Wijmo modules next when i serve my project I got this Error : (I am using AngularCLI)
WARNING in ./~/wijmo/wijmo.angular2.core.js
System.register is not supported by webpack.
@ ./src/app/app.module.ts 12:0-57
@ ./src/main.ts
@ multi webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:4200 ./src/main.ts
despite the import was working in app.module.ts
import { WjCoreModule } from 'wijmo/wijmo.angular2.core';
import { WjGridModule } from 'wijmo/wijmo.angular2.grid';
imports: [
Thanks TEAM ^^
finally if found solution, apparently i got the wrong npm package, then there are three types of JavaScript module systems of npm packages
( CommonJS - AMD - System )
the right package that works with AngularCLI is AMD module system
How to install Wijimo Grid :
Take the last version of Wijmo from this url :
Required for AngularCLI: AMD version. So you have two choices :
First 1 :
Add this dependency in package.json file : section : "dependencies"
"wijmo": "http://prerelease.componentone.com/wijmo5/npm-images/C1Wijmo-Enterprise-Eval-AMD-5.20172.328.tgz",
and Redo: npm install
it's same to do:
npm --save install http://prerelease.componentone.com/wijmo5/npm-images/C1Wijmo-Enterprise-Eval-AMD-5.20172.328.tgz
Second 2:
because yarn is hanging this package name, we ll add it manually in our node_modules/
wget -P node_modules/wijmo/ http://prerelease.componentone.com/wijmo5/npm-images/C1Wijmo-Enterprise-Eval-AMD-5.20172.328.tgz
extract the download file.
and make dependencies to this folder
"wijmo": "file:node_modules/wijmo",
mkdir src/assets/css/ && curl -O http://cdn.wijmo.com/5.20172.334/styles/wijmo.min.css > src/assets/css/wijmo.min.css
Add Wijmo.min.css file in the Angular-cli.json file
"styles": [
Import the WjGridModule in your app.module.ts
you should to check if the import Module is good.
import { WjGridModule } from 'wijmo/package/wijmo.angular2.grid'; import { WjCoreModule } from 'wijmo/package/wijmo.angular2.core';
after Continue to develop ^^^