I am trying to include the Redux Framework in my theme. I decided to try the online builder of Redux Framework: http://build.reduxframework.com/ to generate the necessary files for me.
The builder of Redux provides two options:
(1). To generate and export the admin folder.
(2). To generate and export a starter theme with the Redux settings.
I think i need option (1) since i have a theme already in my hands.
The admin folder contains the following:
(1). The Redux Builder generated (.Json) file.
(2). The admin folder itself - which contains the framework and extensions folders along with two (.php) files: (admin-init.php) and (options-init.php).
The documentation of Redux Framework teaches us how to load the config file of the framework inside our theme. It does not inform us through what to do with the exported admin folder and how to use it in our theme - in case we chose to use the online builder.
The online builder of Redux framework states the following:
Download just the admin folder portion. This will provide you with a folder you can place in a theme or plugin and include ~/admin/admin-init.php to initate it.
Side note: It is written as "initate" instead of "initiate". If any of the developers happen to read this question, it may be a nice thing to correct this small typing mistake.
My Question:
(Q1). How should i initiate the admin file? I couldn't find that in the documentation. Is it about copying its content to the (functions.php) file after fixing the directories? Or something else is required?
Is that right or i am missing something up there?
Any clarifications, answers or comments will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Lead dev of Redux here. Good call on the spelling check.
Just include that file and that's it! :)