Search code examples

set values from jquery array of objects php?

I am getting particular list of product items through ajax, by passing their unique id to server. Now each product has its own set of properties which I have to display on page with product image. When I set the values through jquery, only last value in the array got printed. Following are my coding files.


while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($result))

      <div class="col-sm-4">
       <div class="thumbnail">

        <a class="productitemid" href="productpurchase.php?id=<?php echo $fetch['itemID'];?>"><img class="img-responsive productimage" src="uploadedfiles\<?php echo $fetch['imageURL'];?>" alt="<?php echo $fetch['imageURL'];?>" /></a>

        <div class="text-center productitemname" style="font-weight:bold;"><?php echo $fetch['itemName']; ?></div>
        <div class="badge col-sm-offset-1 productprice"><?php echo $fetch['price']; ?></div>
        <span class="col-md-offset-7"><a class="productitemid btn btn-success" href="productpurchase.php?id=<?php echo $fetch['itemID'];?>">BUY</a></span>


js file

    type: "post",
    url: "getselectedproducts.php",
     "prodId" : $('.menProdCatgry').attr('prodCatId')
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(data){
     $.each(data, function(){
     var getprodId = this.prodId;
     var getimageURL = this.imageURL;
     var getprice = this.price;
     var getitemName = this.itemName;
     var getitemID = this.itemID;



    error: function(data){



  • You can see the code of the foreach is only overwriting the values and attributes of the

     // and so on

    so you only see the last data of the response

    $.each(data, function() {
                var getprodId = this.prodId;
                var getimageURL = this.imageURL;
                var getprice = this.price;
                var getitemName = this.itemName;
                var getitemID = this.itemID;
                // create a tag
                var a = $('<a/>');
                    a.attr('href', 'productpurchase.php?id='+getitemID);
                // create new image
                var img = $('<img/>');
                    img.attr('src', 'uploadedfiles/'+getimageURL);
                var prodname = $('<div/>')
                var prodprice = $('<div/>');
                    // insert image to a
                var container = $('<div/>');
                // combine them all
                // append to document
                // you can change this according to you need
                // to accomplish

    here i created a dynamic dom element for every iteration of the foreach then it will create a new sets of data then it will insert/include/append to the html element