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REPLACE function not available in AS/400 DB2

I am trying to replace or remove the “ - “ character from read data in DB2/400 IBM System i mid-frame. Its very common in MS-SQL to make replacement using REPLACE function but here in DB2/400 V5R2 it seems that this function is not available. Could anybody help me in this regard?


  • Lightly tested on v5r3, the following is a somewhat functional User Defined Function (UDF) version of a [for lack of a DB2/400 SQL-supplied] REPLACE scalar on v5r2; the term "somewhat" meaning, that the defaulted mixed vs SBCS and CCSID for typing along with the specified lengths limiting the varying character string inputs and return value, though those can be adjusted by the invoker of the CREATE FUNCTION according to the needs of whomever will invoke the previously created REPLACEX scalar UDF:

      CREATE FUNCTION REPLACEX /* private version of REPLACE() */
       ( SRC_STR VARCHAR(5000) /* source string; for mixed data or ccsid 1208? */
       , FND_STR VARCHAR( 100) /* search string */                               
       , RPL_STR VARCHAR( 100) /* replace-with string */                         
       ) RETURNS VARCHAR(8000) /* return string; for mixed data or ccsid 1208? */
       LANGUAGE SQL                                                              
       SPECIFIC REPLACEX                                                         
       RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT                                                
       NO EXTERNAL ACTION                                                        
       ALLOW PARALLEL                                                            
       SET OPTION SRTSEQ=*HEX                                                    
                , DECMPT=*PERIOD                                                 
                , DBGVIEW=*SOURCE                                                
       declare strpos int default 1 ;  /* start position for locate */           
       declare nxtpos int default 0 ;  /* next "found" position     */           
       declare fndlen int default 0 ;  /* length of fnd_str         */           
       declare rtnstr varchar(8000) default '' ; /* result-string   */           
       set nxtpos = locate( fnd_str, src_str, strpos ) ;                         
       set fndlen = length( fnd_str ) ;                                          
       while ( nxtpos > 0 ) do                                                   
        set rtnstr = rtnstr                                                      
              concat substr( src_str, strpos, ( nxtpos - strpos ) )              
              concat rpl_str                                                     
        set strpos = nxtpos + fndlen ;                                
        set nxtpos = locate( fnd_str, src_str , strpos ) ;            
        if ( nxtpos > 0 ) then /* adjust per *start* spec on LOCATE */
         set nxtpos = nxtpos + strpos - 1 ;                           
        end if ;                                                      
       end while ;                                                    
       set rtnstr = rtnstr                                            
             concat substr( src_str, strpos )                         