I got the following code:
class enclosing{
int var1 = 2;
int var2 = 4;
class problem{
friend enclosing;
void DoStuff(enclosing&e1){
int Sum = e1.var1 + e1.var2;
My question is, how do i access the protected member variables of the enclosing class?
Is this even Legal?
You have your friendship backwards - a class can't declare itself to be friend of somebody else.
Unlike in Java's "inner classes", a class defined within a class does not automatically have access to an instance of the class the defines it - the "inner" class is completely independent, and you need to pass it the instance you want it to work with.
Like so:
class enclosing
int var1 = 2;
int var2 = 4;
friend class problem;
class problem
void DoStuff(enclosing& e){
int Sum = e.var1 + e.var2;
} i1;
} e1;
int main()
enclosing e2;
e2.i1.DoStuff(e1); // Also works
enclosing::problem x;
x.DoStuff(e2); // This, too.