Search code examples

Oracle SQL Cross Tab Query

I have a table which has the following structure and sample data:

0001   KS5    10
0001   KS6    30
0002   KS5    10
0002   KS6    20

I need to query cross tab so that I get

0001  10   30
0002  10   20

The LOC (KS5 and KS6) can vary and new locations can be added.

How can I get the desired result?


  • For dynamically generated results you need some dynamic PLSQL solution, something like this procedure creating view v_list_loc:

    create or replace procedure p_list_loc is
      v_sql varchar2(32000) := '';
      for c in (select distinct loc from test order by loc) loop
        v_sql := v_sql || '''' ||c.loc|| ''' '||c.loc||',';
      end loop;
      v_sql := 'create or replace view v_list_loc as '
        ||'select * from (select item, loc, stock from test) pivot (sum(stock) '
        ||'for (loc) in ('||rtrim(v_sql, ',')||'))';
      execute immediate v_sql;
    end p_list_loc;

    In procedure code replace test with your table name. Compile this procedure, run and select results from generated view v_list_loc:

    SQL> exec p_list_loc;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> select * from v_list_loc;
    ITEM         KS5        KS6
    ----- ---------- ----------
    0001          10         30
    0002          10         20

    Every time when new values in column loc appears you need to execute procedure before selecting from view.